Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Massage and Weight Loss

You've had a fabulous holiday season - you've enjoyed your family and friends, the presents were wonderful and as always, you had plenty to eat and drink! The only trouble is, now you're faced with your annual weight gain and your annual New Year's resolution to get it off and get back in shape!

Of course, the first thing on your mind is to start dieting and to get into a regular exercise schedule. You know eating and exercise are two sure-fired ways to recover from the holiday fun. Now, there's a new addition to your annual "get back in shape" plan - this year add therapeutic massage to your New Year's resolution. Scientists now confirm what massage therapists have always known: massage can be a powerful and effective weight-loss tool. Massage is known to lower stress, improve circulation, increase mobility and speed recovery from overdoing it at the gym. Here's how massage therapy specifically applies to your weight loss plan.

Massage improves circulation and the supply of nutrients to the muscles. After muscles are exercised, vital nutrients must be supplied to them so that they can recover and rebuild themselves. Massage maximizes the supply of these nutrients and oxygen through increased blood flow, which helps the muscles grow and burn more calories. Massage also helps break down scar tissue built up from damage to the muscles, which further helps circulation as well as mobility. Also, massage helps flush toxins from the body, meaning your body can focus on the healthy foods you are eating and not the environmental toxins that build up over time, and especially during the holidays.

For those on an aggressive workout schedule, massage can greatly improve your flexibility and range of motion. This will make you less likely to hurt yourself, meaning more productive and pain-free hours in the gym which will result in greater calorie burn. Massage also helps reduce soreness by stretching, kneading and rubbing the muscles to keep them loose. With all this, there's no taking off days from the gym, rather it's easy to stay on a normal workout schedule.

If you're new to massage or one who's gained more than a few pounds during the holiday festivities, it's understandable if you feel a little self-conscious about disrobing for a massage. But don't worry, massage therapists are sensitive to your feelings and realize that nudity is the number one concern for many people experiencing a massage. Massage therapists are used to seeing all shapes, sizes and conditions of the body and they have an entirely clinical perspective, no different than any other health-care giver. Additionally, all clients are discretely draped under a sheet with only one body part being uncovered at a time. Of course, you can always undress to your level of comfort, leaving on portions of your clothing or undergarments.

Whether it's a New Year's resolution or a diet of any sort, always consider incorporating massage into your weight-loss routine with bi-weekly or weekly treatment. Losing weight is never easy. But thankfully it's simple to incorporate massage in the healthy lifestyle that you're building and to make it a regular on-going part of your life. It's also a good idea to talk to your massage therapist or a doctor up front to let them know your weight loss goals, fitness routine and to determine how often you are getting a massage. Don't be surprised if there are more massages recommended at the beginning of your plan - this is normal and helps your massage therapist know our body's away of handling stress and exertion.

Regular massage is just as important a component as regular workouts and correct nutrition in any fitness and weight loss program. Elements Therapeutic Massage will work with you to create a plan for regular, ongoing massage therapy sessions that will fit with your budget and your schedule. Call or email one of our studios now to make an appointment!



~"Massage and Weight Loss", Fitness Together Holdings, Inc., 2010

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Benefits of Sleep!

The benefits of sleep impact nearly every area of daily life. While it may be obvious that sleep is beneficial, most people don’t realize how much sleep they need and why it is so important. According to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, your body manages and requires sleep in much the same way that it regulates the need for eating, drinking, and breathing. Extensive research has been done on the effects of sleep. These studies have consistently shown that sleep plays a vital role in promoting physical health, longevity, and emotional well-being.

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

While sleep requirements vary by individual, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke reports that most adults need seven to eight hours a night. Though, some people may need as few as 5 hours per night and others may need up to nine or ten hours of sleep each day for proper functioning. Studies show that people who get the appropriate amount of sleep on a regular basis tend to live longer, healthier lives than those who sleep too few or even too many hours each night. This underscores the importance of making sleep a top priority.

The following are some of the benefits of sleep and how it improves the quality and the length of your life.

Sleep helps to repair your body.

Your body produces extra protein molecules while you're sleeping that helps strengthen your ability to fight infection and stay healthy. These molecules help your immune system mend your body at a cellular level when you are stressed or have been exposed to compromising elements such as pollutants and infectious bacteria.

Sleep helps keep your heart healthy.

Your cardiovascular system is constantly under pressure and sleep helps to reduce the levels of stress and inflammation in your body. High levels of "inflammatory markers" are linked to heart disease and strokes. Sleep can also help keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels (which play a role in heart disease) in check.

Sleep reduces stress.

A good night's sleep can help lower blood pressure and elevated levels of stress hormones, which are a natural result of today's fast paced lifestyle. High blood pressure can be life threatening and the physical effects of stress can produce "'wear and tear" on your body and degenerate cells, which propel the aging process. Sleep helps to slow these effects and encourages a state of relaxation.

Sleep improves your memory.

That 'foggy' feeling that you struggle with when deprived of sleep makes it difficult to concentrate. This often leads to memory problems with facts, faces, lessons, or even conversations. Sleeping well eliminates these difficulties because, as you sleep, your brain is busy organizing and correlating memories.

One of the great benefits of sleep is that it allows your brain to better process new experiences and knowledge, increasing your understanding and retention. So, next time you hear someone say "why don't you sleep on it," take their advice.

Sleep helps control body weight issues.

Sleep helps regulate the hormones that affect and control your appetite. Studies have shown that when your body is deprived of sleep, the normal hormone balances are interrupted and your appetite increases. Unfortunately this increase in appetite doesn't lead to a craving for fruits and veggies. Rather, your body longs for foods high in calories, fats, and carbohydrates.

So, if you're trying to lose those stubborn few pounds that just keep hanging around, consider the benefits of sleep on weight control and make sure that getting enough sleep each day.

Sleep reduces your chances of diabetes.

Researchers have shown that lack of sleep may lead to type 2 diabetes by affecting how your body processes glucose, which is the carbohydrate your cells use for fuel.

The Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School reports that a study showed a healthy group of people who had reduced their sleep from eight to four hours per night processed glucose more slowly. Other research initiatives have revealed that adults who usually sleep less than five hours per night have a greatly increased risk of developing diabetes.

Sleep reduces the occurrence of mood disorders.

With insufficient sleep during the night, many people become agitated or moody the following day. Yet, when limited sleep becomes a chronic issue, studies have shown it can lead to long-term mood disorders such as depression or anxiety.

The benefits of sleep are extensive and can make a difference in your quality of life, as well as the length of your life. Therefore, it is vital to place a priority on getting ample, consistent sleep!

~From "Benefits of Sleep" by Jules Sowder, on http://www.better-sleep-better-life.com/